
Short Films 2022

Availability ended 10/21/2022 MST
Would you give her a ride?
Michael embarks into the wilderness on a hunting expedition in his camper van, an accident strands him in the middle of nowhere with not a sole in sight for days until a girl named Butterfly emerges and challenges him to a deadly game of chance. Starring Katherine Benbow Directed by Alex Mark Bather

Director Biography - Alex Mark Bather

Originally from north Wales, Alex graduated from Salford university with a BSC honours degree. Alex decided to progress his career as a Photographer travelling the world shooting campaigns. Alex then opened Temple Studio a Creative Production Company based in Manchester City Centre creating Music Videos, fashion Campaigns and a couple of experimental short films. Alex decided he wanted to progress his career even further in his life long passion of directing film.

Director Statement

The screenplay of Butterfly was created whilst flying to a location shoot in Croatia, I had procrastinated about making a film for a year and had four completed short screenplays. however I wasn’t fully happy with any of them. I had been toying with the idea of Butterfly for quite a while and just needed to write it, during that period of time I was halfway through reading ‘Rebel without a crew’ by Robert Rodriguez and it gave me a huge push to just get it done. I have always loved the horror genre, they are fun and intense and they give you a different buzz while watching compared to any other genre. Once I arrived back in Manchester with a rough screenplay, Mark Rigby and I amended the script and made it into what it is today.

The Butterfly story has so many layers, I could have easily written a feature length screenplay showing where Butterfly came from, why she does what she does and why she changes her accents and more crazy scenes.

We managed to produce, film and edit with an extremely small budget. We used what we knew we had already and I had worked with the actors on numerous occasions so I knew working with them would be simple and not need many rehearsals.

We made this film as a proof of concept for the potential of a feature. There are so many legs to what I want to create for the Butterfly Saga. Butterfly the character is actually one of six girls that all live together and have been brainwashed into despising the male species by their so called Mother. They compete everyday in how many bodies they can bring back to the house like trophies.


Directed by Alexander Mark Bather

Written by Alexander Mark Bather

Produced by Alexander Mark Bather

Cast Katherine Benbow

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