An Intimate Evening With the Vampire of History
Workshops/Panels 2020
1H 10MIN
“An Intimate Evening with the Vampire of History” will explore and answer the questions: Was the Slavic Vampire real? And, might he still be? Throughout this presentation we shall review the historical evidences provided us by doctorate-level Slavic folklorists, ethnographers and vampirologists… and re-examine them in light of new primary-source evidences never before publicly presented challenging our prior misconceptions and revealing an astoundingly new and sexually provocative theory into the historical reality behind the origins, characteristics and “paranormal” nature of the Slavic Vampire.
Presenting this historical and scientific exposé is Brent R. Myers, a professionally published sexologist and amateur vampirologist who has previously presented on this and related topics for national and international scientific symposia as well as in the popular press (television, radio, magazines).
Directed by Brent Myers
Written by Brent Myers
Production Company Father Vampire Productions
Produced by Brent Myers